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Acaia introduced the 2021 Lunar Scale

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Acaia introduced the 2021 Lunar Scale

Acaia (United States) – Press Release: We’re excited to announce the Lunar 2021!

Acaia released the original Lunar over 7 years ago and it quickly became a standard for both the home brewing community and the professional espresso industry. Now in 2021, we are here to introduce our reimagined Lunar scale. We’ve kept many much-loved abilities and added a number of brand new features (including popular requests).

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Some brand-new features of the 2021 version include:

  • Real-time Flow-Rate Indicator — Similar to our Pearl 2021, the Flow-Rate Indicator is an LED bar on the top of the display. It helps you visualize your espresso flow-rate in real-time and spot channeling during brewing. The indicator measures flow-rate with lit LEDs starting from 0.1 g per second on the left to 3.4 g per second on the right. This indicator is available in Dual Display mode and all Auto modes.
  • Tare Save – If you have a much-loved container implemented in your weighing workflow, you can save its weight using the brand-new Tare Save function. When you trigger Tare Save with a quick press, it will deduce the container weight and display the net weight, making your workflow even smoother.
  • Updated Espresso Brewing Summary – In all Auto Modes (including Auto-Tare Mode), when brewing is complete and the cup is removed from the scale, the display will flash to show the final beverage weight and the average flow rate of the brewing.
  • USB Type-C Charging Port — We upgraded the charging port to USB Type-C with PD Support, which contributes to longer battery life and protection.
  • Stable Weight Indicator — This optional indicator will appear beside the power button when using the scale. This is a helpful aid for those looking for even, steady surfaces to work. This feature can be turned on or off in the Settings menu.
  • Easier-to-Check Battery Level —You can now take a quick and easy look at the battery level of your Lunar 2021 with the long press of the power button. This feature was an update for many of our other scales including the Pearl Model S.

Visit the Lunar’s product page for the full specifications. You can find the European webshop page for the Lunar 2021 here and the Japanese webshop product page here. Additional FAQs are addressed in our Help Center.

For our dedicated original Lunar owners, we will still be supporting the model with spare parts and firmware updates.

Lunar 2021 Initial Firmware Update:

We have also released an initial firmware update for the Lunar 2021. The update version (1.0.004) will enhance the scale's remote abilities and more. We periodically update all of our products’ firmware and always notify on our social media and Help Center. This update will be available on the Acaia Updater app, which you can find on both the Google Play and Apple App stores.

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