You are viewing the Weighing Scale News New Dini Argeo Industrial PC 6116EVO at Golden Lotus Measuring equipment. All international weighing devices and parts come from Famous manufacturer.
Dini Argeo S.r.l. (Italy) – Press Release: Improved Performance and Versatility.
6116EVO is the newest Dini Argeo industrial PC designed for the most demanding industrial environments and for creating advanced weighing systems. It is made with an AISI 304 stainless steel casing and IP67 degree of protection.
Bạn mong muốn tìm kiếm cân công nghiệp chính hãng chất lượng cao hay cân điện tử giá rẻ, hãy cho Hoa sen vàng biết và nhận sự tư vấn nhiệt tình-chu đáo, sản phẩm đều có giá trị và đặc tính riêng của chúng … hãy Gọi ngay : 028 3511 7799 (kinh doanh) hoặc truy cập website: (sản phẩm)
The New Frontier of Industrial PCs for Automation:
The new Dini Argeo industrial PC stands out on the market because it is:
- ultra powerful, thanks to the new Intel 4-core microprocessor that guarantees high performance.
- super fast, thanks to its new RAM.
- versatile, it allows the loading of any weighing programme developed on Windows.
- efficient, the new hardware can manage up to 4 scales.
- robust, with capacitive touchscreen for precise point-of-contact detection, even with gloves and in the presence of water and condensation.
- approved, for legal-for-trade use.
Approved Progamme for Legal-for-trade Use:
Thanks to the PC-integrated indicator and the new D-LEGAL weighing programme, it is possible to create approved application software, taking advantage of the virtual alibi memory.
All around PC software solutions with MCI Systems:
With MCI Myrias software, we are able to provide standard and custom software solutions covering all aspects of weighing, including dynamic checkweighing, truck and axle weighing, offline sampling and many others.

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