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Intersection modernization in Brno was awarded “Traffic Infrastructure Project of the Year”

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On Tuesday, September 22, the project Implementation of ITS Systems in Brno received an award in the Traffic Infrastructure of the Year competition. The new infrastructure uses V2X (vehicle-to-infrastructure) communication and its task is to provide the driver with targeted, timely and high-quality information about what is happening around them, while providing the road administrator with up-to-date traffic information.

The award in the 17th year of the national competition CZECH TRAFFIC CONSTRUCTION, TECHNOLOGY, INNOVATION OF THE YEAR 2019 in category B1 Systems and services for traffic control and organization was taken over by a representative of Brno Communications for the project Implementation of I-ITS system in Brno (implementation within the project C- ROADS CZ DT2). The project also won an award from the Czech Road Company.

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Modern intersections that communicate

A project that brings innovations in traffic to Brno through the modernization of intersections and, among other things, the addition of modern ITS systems. The systems are based on V2X communication (between the vehicle and the infrastructure, or between the vehicles and each other) and their purpose is to provide the driver with targeted, timely and high-quality information about what is happening around them and at the same time provide the road administrator with up-to-date traffic information. C-ITS represent one of the key conditions for the future implementation of automated vehicle control technologies.

The Zlín-based company CROSS is part of the association of suppliers for the C-ROADS Czech Republic, project, which is co-financed by the Connecting Europe Facility. CROSS is in Brno, mainly, in charge of the mentioned ITS systems, their production, implementation and testing. The company is involved in similar projects around the world, its goal is to build a modern traffic infrastructure that is safer, clearer and uses the infrastructure’s communication with vehicles. However, the Brno project has international standards and is one of the unique implementations in Europe. This successful project contributed to the fact that in June 2021, an international “C-ITS Road Show” will run in parallel with URBIS, within which C-ITS systems will be demonstrated in the streets of Brno and on the highway in its vicinity. The road show in 2021 will be intended for European politicians, transport ministers of European countries, representatives of the automotive industry and technology companies, and for the public.

The future of smart traffic

The aim of the Czech Traffic Construction, Technology, Innovation of the Year competition is a professional presentation of improving traffic infrastructure in the Czech Republic. Among the awarded projects were motorway and road constructions, railway bridges or constructions of bypasses and cycle paths. For CROSS Zlín, the award in the competition is proof that large-scale traffic infrastructure modernization projects are the future of traffic, which it wants to help build as a company.

CROSS Zlín, a.s.

The Zlín-based company CROSS has been on the market since 1994. Its first products were traffic light controllers, from which it has been gradually moving over the years to large projects of smart cities and roads around the world. The company is engaged in the development, production and installation of technologies for weighing-in-motion, traffic control, parking systems, road meteorology, data collection and traffic detection. It uses the most modern technology and has already implemented its projects on all continents except Antarctica. It is one of the stable employers in Zlín.

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Intersection modernization in Brno was awarded “Traffic Infrastructure Project of the Year”

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